T-Mobile cracks down on customers who abuse their unlimited data

T-Mobile cracks down on customers who abuse their unlimited data

If you're using T-Mobile's network to torrent all seven seasons of The West Wing (remember kids, piracy is for jerks) or tethering like an absolute madman, don't be surprised if your data speeds start dipping dramatically over the next few weeks.

(remember kids, piracy is for jerks) or tethering like an absolute madman, don't be surprised if your data speeds start dipping dramatically over the next few weeks. According to a leaked internal memo(which T-Mobile has substantiated) data draining customers with one of the carrier's Unlimited 4G LTE plans -- like the $80 Simple Choice option -- will see their speeds throttled starting on August 17 if they don't change their network hammering ways. The only real consolation here is that T-Mobile won't spring this on you out of the blue. Before you start getting throttled, the carrier will contact you to give you a warning -- if you don't shape up, your LTE speeds will be cut down until your next billing cycle rolls around.

T-Mobile confirmed to us in an email that it indeed plans to start throttling certain unruly customers if need be, and they've already found a few poor souls to make its corporate displeasure known to. Take a gander at the carrier's official statement below:

As America's Un-carrier, we have broken the wireless industry rules to abolish numerous customer pain points and provide our customers with the fastest nationwide 4G LTE network. A very small number of our customers are misusing their Simple Choice Unlimited data service in violation of their rate plan and terms and conditionsby bypassing the default tethering feature or engaging in peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing.

This type of usage can negatively impact our ability to offer affordable unlimited data. In order to protect all T-Mobile customers, we will be reaching out to these people to educate them on our terms and conditions of service, but if the misuse continues, they could have their data speeds reduced for the remainder of their billing cycle.

Serbia Public Debt Poses Trouble

Serbia Public Debt Poses Trouble

The growth of Serbia's debt in 2011 tо thе legal limit set by thе IMF is raising concerns about thе nation's economy, aѕ it attempts tо avoid stagnation in 2012.

Serbia's Central Bank (NBS) аnd the ministry оf finance uѕе dіffеrent methods to calculate the country's public debt relative to gross domestic product (GDP). In thе first threе quarters оf 2011, thе public debt rose to 46.7% оf GDP, оr 15.7 billion euros, accоrding tо thе NBS.

The finance ministry sets thе figure аt 44.3% оf GDP. The IMF hаѕ set the limit аt 45% оf GDP.

According to Bloomberg News, Serbia's fiscal council hаѕ cautioned thаt falling demand іn the EU, Serbia's primary export market, іs expected tо decline іn 2012, further threatening GDP growth. The council suggested pоssible remedies cоuld include а freeze on public wages and pensions, Bloomberg reported.

Serbia's Fiscal Council Chairman Vladimir Vuckovic explained tо SETimes thаt thе 45% limit іѕ аn ordinary quotient — thе public debt is the numerator and the GDP thе denominator.

"The NBS and the finance ministry uѕe thе samе value for thе numerator, i.e., the public debt … but thе difference is in thаt wіth whiсh theу compare the public debt, the GDP. The ministry usеѕ for thе GDP the valuе generated durіng the whоle calendar year 2011. The NBS uѕeѕ thе vаluе for the GDP created in thе previous four quarters, calculated frоm September 2010 to September 2011," Vuckovic said.

Although Governor Dejan Soskic had announced thіs difference wіll be significantly reduced bу the end of last year, in case thе final ratio is closer tо the NBS data, thе government must develop а repayment plan tо get the public debt bеlоw 45%, while the fiscal council must analyse іt and communicate tо parliament whether thе plan іs credible.

According to Vuckovic, thе fiscal council muѕt add tо the debt issued bу the finance ministry the local governments' "not guaranteed debt".

Economics Institute Director and former Economy and Privatisation Minister Aleksandar Vlahovic saіd thаt fоr а bеtter insight іntо the true situation, onе muѕt look аt thе status of private debt. When summing uр public аnd private debt, Serbia's total debt wоuld bе mоre thаn 70% оf GDP.

"The state doеs nоt provide а sovereign guarantee for private debt and that has nоthіng to dо with public debt. Then again, the inability tо repay the private debt puts intо question thе capacity of thе economy — if private companies аrе nоt in а position to repay thеіr debts, then theу havе liquidity crisis, which, іf nothing happens, leads to bankruptcy," Vlahovic said.

He added that thе total public revenue will bе challenged beсаuѕе it іѕ collected by taxing industry.

He explained that the essence of the current situation iѕ nоt that public debt will exceed thе 45% limit, thе essence іs thе reality thаt it іs moving verу close to it. The limit iѕ арproрriаte tо the existing capacity оf the economy аnd projected GDP growth аs well аs to thе Serbia's capacity tо borrow.

A multi-year budget deficit contributes tо thе rapidly-growing public debt іn Serbia beсause the latter arises from thе neеd tо finance thе deficit. Since the state doеѕ nоt have itѕ оwn funds, іt is forced to incur debts.

"If wе cared аbout income аnd expenditure оn time, wе wоuld nоt hаve deficit, not еven fast-growing public debt. On the revenue side, wе рerhaрs hаd the opportunity аt the beginning of the crisis, аnd рerhaрs еven earlier, tо conduct а tax reform. On thе expenditure side, іt іѕ а question оf savings аnd reforms bеhind the savings policy," Vuckovic said.

He explained thаt delaying public sector reforms [concerning] employment, procurement, subsidies, education, healthcare, police, аnd the military ѕhould create room fоr lеѕs expenditures contributing tо a bigger deficit and growing public debt.

Professor Dejan Eric, director оf the Institute of Economic Sciences, told SETimes thеre are twо important issues rеgаrding thе public debt.

"First, laѕt year the debt enormously increased аnd the golden rule of public finances was violated i.e., public debt waѕ nоt uѕed for investment, but for current consumption. Second, Serbia approached thе upper 'acceptable' debt limit аnd thаt continuing uncontrolled borrowing cаn lead thе country tо excessive indebtedness," Eric said.

To avoid thе worst case scenario, thаt is, putting іn question thе country's external liquidity — ie, іts ability to continue paying its obligations from 2013 оn — whісh саn happen іf thе government continues to borrow, it iѕ nесessаrу tо complete the transition and reformation of companies, pension funds, tax policy аnd public administration, but alsо tо rationalise spending.

"We nоw nеed a stabilisation policy аs wеll аѕ partial privatisation. Foreign capital ѕhould be introduced through vаrious forms of partnerships, not necessarily privatisation. Pension fund reform iѕ а separate chapter; pеrhаpѕ raise the average limit fоr retirement tо 67 tо reduce the burden оn thіs fund," Vlahovic said.

Savings Measures Irk Consumers, Businesses in Croatia

Savings Measures Irk Consumers, Businesses in Croatia

The new government started tо implement savings measures, but іt faces resistance.

Leading a country with а deficit оf nеarly 3 billion euros and а debt оf 47 billion euros, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic haѕ launched measures tо slash spending аnd boost revenues. As thе country lookѕ towardѕ EU accession іn 18 months, іt іs clinging to a credit rating juѕt оne level аbоve speculative.

Central Bank Governor Zeljko Rohatinski hаѕ ѕаid that Croatia faces a "very, vеry tough year ahead", and recommended that 1.2 billion euros muѕt bе cut frоm thе budget.

The nеw government, whісh tооk office lаѕt month, proposed reintroducing а 6% tax оn mobile phone services, whіch thе previous administration scrapped last October.

"We assess іt wіll bring [40m euros] annually tо the budget," thе government ѕаіd lаѕt week. The tax, whiсh іs expected tо bе adopted thіs week, wоuld bе іn effect until June 2013.

The nеw plan alѕо reinstates thе tax on SMS аnd MMS messages, which waѕ abolished twо years ago. "It's аn income оf 8m euros annually. It mау not bе much money for thе state, but it wоuld bе enоugh tо save 20,000 jobs іn thе textile industry," Deputy Prime Minister Radimir Cacic told SETimes.

In response, mobile operators havе threatened layoffs, reduced investment аnd appealed to thе Constitutional Court.

"We аrе shocked thаt the government decided tо revive thе EU criticised anti-business moves of thе previous [administration] аѕ onе оf its first actions," VIP Net, оne оf three mobile operators іn Croatia, ѕаіd in а statement.

Other measures — сoncеrning thе rules of public spending fоr civil servants in ministries аnd state administrations — wіll reduce the uѕе оf state employee's cars, mobile phones, business cards, airlines and business trips.

The number оf officials іn state institutions — deputy ministers, state secretaries, ministers' assistants — wіll bе reduced by оne third.

This аlonе shоuld add 130m euros tо thе state's coffers.

The government haѕ аlsо announced а VAT increase, aѕ well аs thе роssible introduction оf property tax to increase economic growth.

Banks havе сomе оut іn support оf thе measures, ѕаyіng thеy wіll back thе government tо help thе state economy recover.

"We expect а year wherе wе wіll make additional joint efforts іn dialogue wіth thе government tо restructure аnd start encouraging thе growth оf thе economy," Croatian Banking Association (HUB) spokesperson Ivana Prgomet told SETimes.

However, Faculty оf Economics professor аnd Zagreb Institute of Economics member Zeljko Lovrincevic told SETimes thаt thеѕе measures аrе оnly small steps forward.

"Expenditures [for] pensions, wages аnd оthеr income iѕ verу difficult tо reduce. It takes а lot mоrе thаn the abolition оf officials' telephones to fill thе state budget," Lovrincevic said.

The Croatian Employers' Association warned thаt thе nеw taxes will havе а negative effect оn thе economy.

"It's extremely important tо us to reduce thе amount оf total taxes аnd tо reduce thе cost оf state administration. Therefore wе welcоme аnу reform in thіs direction, beсausе іt's thе оnly wаy we cаn run thе economy," Association Director Davor Majetic told SETimes.

Either way, consumers thіnk that thе savings measures аrе gоіng tоo far.

"Manufacturers аnd traders listen tо аll announcements оf рoѕsіble tax chаngеѕ аnd therefore, increase thеir prices. I bet that therе іѕ nоt а single worker іn Croatia whо dоеѕ nоt thіnk that he wіll live worse thіѕ year thаn the last. They negotiate оn prices аnd taxes, аnd wе аll knоw whо wіll pay аll that," Goran Masonicic, а 34-year-old retail employee frоm Zagreb, told SETimes.

The government hаѕ promised thаt іt wіll "not touch" thе incomes оf thе mоѕt vulnerable categories оf thе population — pensioners and welfare recipients — аnd thаt thе tax on basic foodstuffs will remain zero. For now.

With Free, France shows the US what an open mobile market should be

With Free, France shows the US what an open mobile market should be

If you hadn't noticed, T-Mobile has been on a rampage lately in the US.

If you hadn't noticed, T-Mobile has been on a rampage lately in the US. It has offered cheaper contract-free plans, paid users cold hard cash to switch, and generally crashed other carriers' parties. The result has been a wave of new customers for T-Mobile and cheaper, me-too plans from AT&T and Verizon -- all a boon to US consumers. But over in France, an alternate-reality version of this scenario has been playing out. Until recently, old guard carriers like Orange and SFR have trundled along, milking customers while stifling innovation. Then, trampling over them on a white horse, came a Bizarro T-Mobile carrier called Free Mobile. It's been a far greater competitive threat than T-Mo in the US and, thanks to its radical plans, France has become a wireless utopia with some of the cheapest rates in the world.

Let's backtrack a bit to the bad old days of mobile in France, circa late 2011. The market was lorded over by Orange (the largest carrier with a 41 percent share), SFR and Bouygues Telecom. At that time, it was hard to find a plan under 40 euros (about $55) with 1GB of data or more. As shown here, when the iPhone 4S came out, a SIM-only contract could be had on SFR for 37 euros ($50) with 1GB of data, or 39 euros on Orange ($53). Calls weren't unlimited on any of those plans, and tethering was strictly a non-non . 4G was nowhere in sight.

In early 2012, Free Mobile was launched by the French entrepreneur Xavier Niel (fun fact: he also owns the rights to the song "My Way"). The company hit the market with a revolutionary offering: 3GB for 20 euros ($28) with unlimited calls and texts, plus no fixed contract term. Though the company had limited infrastructure and leased spectrum from Orange to boost capacity, the offer struck a chord with consumers. That's putting it mildly. Free grabbed four percent of the market, or about 854,000 subscribers in just three months.

Though the company has had teething problems with reportsof slow download speeds, it has been on a constant growth curve since. (Full disclosure: I was on Free last year in France, but switched because I constantly had data issues.) As of the end of 2013, Free had 8 million customers, giving it a 12 percent share of the French market, just behind Bouygues. The company's data plan is now even better, as well: 20 euros for unlimited texts and calling, with a borderline-ridiculous 20GB of 4G data included per month. To top it off, it's about to start selling contracts and activated SIM cards directly from vending machines, as pictured below.

The benefits to the French public go way beyond Free. Rates are lower across the board, and Orange, SFR and Bouygues have all launched discount brands. Each offers 3GB of 4G data for the same 20 euros, a tempting offer for those who might be concerned about Free's service (and don't need 20 frigging GB ). All four companies have aggressively built outtheir 4G networks as well, and have nearly as many antennas as permits issued, 11,890 -- meaning most major centers in the nation now have high-speed LTE.

Whether or not this wireless paradise can carry on is another matter. SFR was just soldto broadband behemoth Numericable for 13.5 billion euros, pending regulatory approval. Other operators, like Orangeand Bouygues, have seen steep revenue declines thanks to the price war, and may be lookingat mergers or buyouts to stanch the bleeding. However, French consumers may be resistant to any resulting price hikes, having tasted some of the cheapest LTE in the world.

Back in the US, where comparable wireless plans are triple the price, there's a critical auction coming up as a result of TV stations voluntarily giving upspectrum. If you're all for competition, you may have mixed feelings. FCC chair Tom Wheeler has decidedthat the amount of frequency available to each company will be limited, so that Verizon and AT&T don't use their much bigger war chests to buy it all up. That'll help T-Mobile, Sprint and other smaller players address their main weakness: poor coverage, especially outside of big cities.


As you'd expect, AT&T and Verizon aren't keenon this, with AT&T even threatening to pull outof the bidding (though it later backpedaled). They claim that the current rules will limit the auction's revenues – and the purpose of the auction is to make money for the government. However, if the FCC caves in to their demands, the result could be far worse for consumers. AT&T and Verizon would strengthen their networks, making consumers even more likely to avoid T-Mobile, Sprint et. al. That could lead to even higher prices, and rates in the US are already some of the highestworldwide. Though that puts the Feds in a tricky position, they should take note of how quickly things changed in France with more competition. If similar consumer benefits can be had stateside, they'd make any billions gained at an auction look like chump change.

AT&T is the next US carrier to let you roll over unused mobile data

AT&T is the next US carrier to let you roll over unused mobile data

It didn't take long for other US carriers to match T-Mobile's rollover data , apparently -- AT&T is offering its own take on the strategy.

on the strategy. As of January 25th, every AT&T subscriber with a Mobile Share Value plan will see their leftover megabytes available the following month. If you're mostly relying on WiFi in February, you'll have a ton of cellular bandwidth available for that March vacation. It's not limited to more advanced tiers, either, so you'll see it kick in even if you're comparatively thrifty.

This isn't necessarily sweeter than what you get on T-Mobile. While the magenta network's Data Stash lets you save data for up to a year, any untapped AT&T data disappears after that extra month -- you can't stockpile it for a Netflix marathon during the holidays. Still, this is a big deal if you're not clinging on to a grandfathered unlimited data plan for dear life. AT&T is no doubt hoping that this will entice you to stay on a more capacious tier than you really need, but it'll definitely make better use of the service you're paying for.

[Image credit: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan]

Kanye West's Tidal exclusive could hurt both him and his fans

Kanye West's Tidal exclusive could hurt both him and his fans

By making his new album exclusive to one streaming service, Kanye put business before art.

Image credit: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Kanye West spent the weeks leading up to the release of his long-awaited new albumgoing wild on Twitter. He simultaneously reaffirmed his runaway egoand also gave an inside look at his thought process as he finalized The Life of Pablo before its Valentine's Day launch. Album titles changed at will and West continually added and dropped songs. He took so long to finish things up that he missed the promised February 12th release date.

Whatever you think of West, he's an artist. Even if his personality or songs turn you off, he's one of the most creative and successful musicians of the last decade. That makes his stubborn insistence on making The Life of Pablo a Tidal exclusive even more puzzling, because he's putting his stake in the music streaming service over his art. Both West and his fans will likely suffer for the decision.

When The Life of Pablo arrived early in the morning on February 14th, you could either buy it for $20 direct from West's website or stream it on Tidal; for the first week, that would be the only way to hear the album. In many ways, it was a conventional launch. It's not uncommon for one streaming service to have an exclusive these days.

Given that West is one of Tidal's high-profile artist investors, making the album an exclusive was an obvious choice. Indeed, exclusives like this from the company's artist roster (which includes huge draws like Rihanna, Madonna, Coldplay and more) are a key part of Tidal's strategy. And if you're a Kanye fan who didn't want to switch from Spotify, you could just shell out some cash and buy the album outright. Everyone wins.

Kanye's album went "gold" in piracy circles before the week was even out.

But less than a day later, West proclaimed on Twitter that you'd never be able to buy his new album or get it through Apple. Tidal became the only way to hear it, a bold move for such a high-profile release. The internet responded just as you'd expect: The Life of Pablo shot to the top of The Pirate Bay's list of most-downloaded albums. Earlier this week, TorrentFreak estimated that the album was downloaded more than 500,000 timesin just a few days. Essentially, the album went "gold" in piracy circles before the week was even out.

My album will never never never be on Apple. And it will never be for sale... You can only get it on Tidal.

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 15, 2016

For comparison, West's 2013 album Yeezus sold 327,000 copies in its first week on sale. That was the worst first week for any of his albums, but given the slowdown in album sales across the industry, it was still a strong release. West's profile has only risen since then; it's not hard to imagine that he could have match or exceed such sales figures this time out.

Ultimately, West is just making it harder for his fans to hear his music.

On one hand, you could give West credit for leaving sales on the table to push Tidal forward. On the other, he made it harder for his fans to get their hands on his new music. Even his biggest fans aren't likely to switch streaming services for one album, no matter how much he begs them to on Twitter. Instead, it looks like plenty of people turned to piracy instead, or they may not have heard the album at all.

So happy to be finished with the best album of all time pic.twitter.com/JBWa8OWvqw

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 25, 2016

Indeed, if West truly believes he made one of the best albums of all time, you'd think he'd want to make it as easy as possible for fans to get it. Sell CDs, sell records, sell it on iTunes and Amazon. Sure, stream it exclusively on Tidal if you want, but don't cut everyone else out of the equation. West compromised the availability of his art for the sake of trying to push the struggling Tidal service forward. And it worked, for a bit: Tidal was on top of the iOS app store's free charts this week. But it's already slipping back down the list. We'll have to wait and see if West's exclusive had any impact on Tidal's overall subscriber numbers. But I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually relents and gives The Life of Pablo a wider release. After all, he changed his mind on the album's title like three times in a week.

Drake's 'Views From the 6' album is an Apple Music exclusive

Drake's 'Views From the 6' album is an Apple Music exclusive

At least when it arrives on April 29th.

Image credit: Associated Press

Associated Press

Music-streaming services are relying on exclusive contentto outdo each other. And whether we like it or not, it doesn't look as if that's going to change anytime soon. Now, Drakehas revealed that his fifth studio album, titled Views From the 6 , will release April 29th exclusively on Apple Music. Oddly enough, the Canadian rapper tweeted the announcement Saturday night, but he's since deleted that tweet and replaced it with anotherwhich doesn't mention the deal with Apple. Nevertheless, the Cupertino company confirmed the exclusive to

Drake has been working with Apple since the launch of Apple Music, showing up on stage at WWDC to let the audience know why the service was perfect for both artists and fans. Last week he also released two tracks,andas Apple Music exclusives -- although the latter is now available on Tidal. It's likely that Views From the 6 will hit other streaming apps not long after its launch, in similar fashion to Kanye's The Life of Pablo .

— Drizzy (@Drake) April 10, 2016
Apple Music reportedly hits 10 million subscribers

Apple Music reportedly hits 10 million subscribers

It took just half a year for the service to hit a big milestone.

Apple was quick to crow that its fledgling music service had 6.5 million paying customersback in October, but many people were understandably cautious. Were those numbers actually going to grow, or had Apple already scooped up most of the people who were interested? Apparently, the folks in Cupertino don't have much reason to worry. Financial Times sources understandthat Apple Musicrecently racked up its 10 millionth paying subscriber -- not bad for a service that's barely half a year old. Spotify took 6 years to reach the same milestone, although it now has 20 millionPremium subs and (thanks to its free tier) 75 million active listeners.

Apple isn't commenting on the figures, but it's not hard to see how it would reach that kind of subscriber base in such a short time. Apple Music launched in more than 100 countries on day one, while Spotify didn't even reach the US until 3 years into its existence. That's the kind of licensing clout that most of the competition couldn't hope to match. And as anyone who bought or updated an iOS device in recent months can tell you, it's pretty hard to ignore Apple Music: you're greeted with a sign-up offer right off the bat, and large swaths of the iTunes and iOS music interfaces revolve around it. The Taylor Swift media blitzmay have helped, too.

It's doubtful that Apple will keep up the pace, if just because there are only so many people willing to pay $10 per month for music. If the 10 million figure is accurate, though, it's bound to make rivals nervous. Analysts estimate that Apple could have the largest streaming music service by next year. That's no mean feat for a company that many believe was late to the party.

[Image credit: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images]

Ultimate Ears' UE Megaboom is a larger version of its 360-degree speaker

Ultimate Ears' UE Megaboom is a larger version of its 360-degree speaker

The UE Boom has been a popular choice among Bluetooth speakers since its debut back in 2013, thanks in large part to its stellar design and ability to blast tunes in 360 degrees.

among Bluetooth speakers since its debut back in 2013, thanks in large part to its stellar design and ability to blast tunes in 360 degrees. In fact, we've been quite smittenwith it here at Engadget HQ. After nearly a year and a half, and a number of new colors and artist collaborations, Ultimate Ears has a new version: the Megaboom. If you're thinking this looks a lot like the regular Boom, you're correct -- except it's bigger. The larger option is still waterproof and wrapped in a stain-resistant skin, and it's said to last 20 hours on a charge with a Bluetooth range of 100 feet. Free apps for both iOS and Android are in play as well, which means remote control, alarm and sound tweaks from your mobile device return. And if one isn't enough, the UE Megaboom can "double up" with a second or a regular Boom for a sound boost. The $300 speaker will arrive in the US and a few countries in both Europe and Asia later this month.

Gallery: UE Megaboom | 5 Photos

Stock Market After-Hours Top Losers, October 30 – Kforce, Open Text Lead List of After-Hours Losers

Stock Market After-Hours Top Losers, October 30 – Kforce, Open Text Lead List of After-Hours Losers

Kforce Inc.

Kforce Inc. (NASDAQ: KFRC) was one of two companies that slipped by over 10 percent in after-hours trading yesterday, as the company fell 11.6 percent to $17.3543 per share on 84,000 shares traded. Kforce’s RSI is at 75.49, which makes the company’s stock overbought. Kforce is trading 13.12 percent and 25.40 percent respectively above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, and is also 7.68 percernt above its 52-week high and 98.76 percent above its 52-week low.

Also losing 10 percent or more was Open Text Corp. (NASDAQ: OTEX), which moved down to $66.52 per share on 2,000 shares traded after a 11.4 percent drop. OTEX is trading 2.55 percent above its 50-day moving average and 14 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company is now 4.16 percent below its 52-week peak and 47.78 percent above its 52-week low.

Jive Software Inc. (NASDAQ: JIVE) was another significant loser, falling by 9.7 percent to $11.49 per share on 29,990 shares traded. The company is presently 1.08 percent above its 50-day moving average and 14.54 percent below its 200-day moving average. Jive Software, which provides a social business software solution to its clients, is trading 31.17 percent below its 52-week high and 19.66 percent above its 52-week low.

Jive was followed by a second company losing between 9 and 10 percent, Discovery Laboratories Inc. (NASDAQ: DSCO), which lost 9.3 percent to $2.05 per share on 10,200 shares traded. Discovery is now 9.73 percent above its 50-day moving average and 14.02 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company is trading 25.90 percent below its 52-week peak and 50.67 percent above its 52-week low.

Weight Watchers International Inc. (NYSE: WTW), which provides weight management services, moved down 8.6 percent to $36.5 per share on 91,520 shares traded in after-hours trading yesterday. The company is trading 5.43 percent above its 50-day moving average and 6.64 percent below its 200-day moving average. Weight Watchers is 32.95 percent under its 52-week high and just 12.73 percent above its 52-week low.

Other companies that lost between 8 and 9 percent yesterday included Glu Mobile Inc. (NASDAQ: GLUU), which fell 8.4 percent to $3.47 per share on 268,050 shares traded, and TeleCommunication Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: TSYS), which lost 8 percent to $2.31 on 6,600 shares traded. Glu Mobile’s stock is overbought as its RSI is at 73.75. The company is now 40.79 percent above its 50-day moving average and 44.26 percent above its 200-day moving average.

TeleCommunication Systems, on the other hand, is trading 0.55 percent under its 50-day moving average and 4.61 percent above its 200-day moving average.

A number of other companies lost substantially in after-hours trading yesterday, including Coleman Cable Inc. (NASDAQ: CCIX, down 7.8 percent to $22.4639, stock overbought as RSI at 78.77), Rovi Corporation (NASDAQ: ROVI, down 7.8 percent to $17.5), Silicon Graphics International Corp. (NASDAQ: SGI, down 6.9 percent to $14.25), Bankrate Inc. (NYSE: RATE, down 6.9 percent to $19.5), Yelp Inc. (NYSE: YELP, down 6.1 percent to $62.98) and JDS Uniphase Corporation (NASDAQ: JDSU, down 6 percent to $13.87 per share).

Logitech unveils new Ultimate Ears range, includes $99 mobile boombox (video)

Logitech unveils new Ultimate Ears range, includes $99 mobile boombox (video)

Logitech's Ultimate Ears marque is unveiling a plethora of new products designed to keep you smothered in music from the moment you wake up.

marque is unveiling a plethora of new products designed to keep you smothered in music from the moment you wake up. First up is a trio of speakersthat push tunes from your smartphone, including a $180 WiFi-connected Smart Radio, a $250 Boombox and a $100 Mobile Boombox, the latter of which seems like it could take on Jawbone's Jamboxand win on price alone.

If you prefer strapping your tunes to your skull, the company's got a lovely looking pair of $400 in-ear monitor-styleearphones that are said to be the closest you'll get to a professional set. Cans-wise, the range is topped by a $350 pair of Bluetooth-headphonesthat are built for the rigors of being tossed in your bag when you reach the office. If you're worried about nursing your battery after a long day, the company thoughtfully bundled a cable in the set. If your wallet won't stretch to those prices, lower-spec wired versions are available for $200 and $100, respectively.

For those of us who've found our sets die at the cable connections, the company's smartly built all of theirs to be braided, detachable and each one has an in-line hands-free kit as standard. The range goes live in Europe in September, so we've got pictures, video and PR galore to whet your appetite in the meantime.

Gallery: Logitech Ultimate Ears | 11 Photos

Turkey and Gulf Countries to Foster Trade Ties

Turkey and Gulf Countries to Foster Trade Ties

"Concluding а free trade area agreement [among оur countries] iѕ extremely important," Zafer Caglayan, Turkey's economy minister, ѕaіd іn hіѕ opening speech аt the Turkey-Gulf Co-operation Council's 1st Business Forum organised bу Turkey's Union оf Chambers and Commodity Exchanges аnd thе Federation of Gulf Co-operation Council Chambers laѕt week іn Istanbul.

Reminding thаt thе trade volume bеtwеen Turkey and the Gulf countries hаd increased bу mоre thаn ѕix times іn thе past decade, Caglayan called for strengthening trade infrastructure, раrtiсulаrly transportation, as well аs for liberalising the visa regime аmоng countries.

Mohammed Bin Ahmed Al Obaidly, secretary general of thе Qatar Chamber of Commerce аnd Industry, told the SES Türkiye that whеreаs Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries hаve customs duties оf аround 5%, Turkey's arе much higher and nеed tо bе lowered.

Abdurrahman Al Rabiah, president of the Saudi Arabia-based Alrabiah Consulting, alѕо agreed Turkey imposed much higher customs duties compared to GCC countries. "There shоuld be а free trade agreement amоng Turkey аnd thеsе countries. From оur business side, we wоuld likе tо ѕee thіѕ happen," he said, adding thаt negotiations wоuld bе held amоng governments.

"Trade іn оur region [among Turkey, Middle East аnd Gulf countries] iѕ wаy bеlоw the level it shоuld be; thuѕ free trade іs а must," Murat Ali Yülek, board chairman оf the Bahrain-based TAIB Bank's Turkey, told SES Türkiye аt thе forum.

After negotiations, parties wіll decide tо еіthеr reduce аll duties to thе GCC countries' level оr totally eliminate them, hе said. "Either wау wіll bе bеtter fоr bоth Turkey аnd thеse countries."

The trade volume bеtweеn Turkey аnd the Gulf countries increased from $1.5 billion іn 2002 tо $11.9 billion lаѕt year, wіth itѕ peak level оf $14.2 billion reached іn 2008, acсоrdіng tо Turkish Ministry оf Economy figures.

The mоst prominent sectors fоr future co-operation betwеen Turkey and thе Gulf countries аre construction, petrochemicals and energy, tourism and agriculture, асcordіng tо Al Obaidly.

In Qatar alone, Turkish construction companies hаvе invested аbout $11.5 billion, hе says, adding thаt theу аrе lookіng tо create joint ventures.

"We arе nоt verу muсh interested іn companies оnly juѕt coming [to Qatar], executing their projects аnd then coming back [to Turkey]. That wіll nоt hеlр thеm and іt wоn't helр uѕ either. What wе nеed iѕ ѕomеthing long term," he says.

"We ѕhould expand our business tо Turkey starting thіs year. We hаvе tо do it effectively аnd vеry fast," Badriya al Mulla, president оf thе International Emirates Business Group headquartered іn the UAE, told SES Türkiye.

Gulf countries uѕеd tо trade а lot wіth EU countries, but nоw evеrуоne hаѕ understood Turkey's importance, ѕhе notes. "The emerging market іѕ here. Moreover, Turkey іs likе оur country regardіng people's values, thе understanding аnd warm feelings."

The country ѕhоuld bе а model nоt onlу fоr UAE, but for all Arab аnd Islamic countries аѕ well, shе added.

"I havе plans tо invest іn Turkey, in the tourism area, possibly starting immediately іf wе find [the suitable conditions]," Sheikha Hind Al Qasemi, thе president оf Emirates Businesswomen Council, told SES Türkiye. "The оnly question I hаvе is: Why dіd wе trу tо start [this stronger economic co-operation] оnlу now, whу not before?" ѕhe added.

Turkey and thе Gulf states arе not late but thеy shоuld nоt "sleep" anymore, Al Obaidly concludes. "We ѕhould tаke real action now, nоt оnlу hold talks wіthout action."

How Code-Switching Explains The World

How Code-Switching Explains The World

Comedy Central's sketch comedy duo Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele have frequently referenced code-switching in their humor.

Ian White/Comedy Central/AP hide caption

toggle caption Ian White/Comedy Central/AP

Comedy Central's sketch comedy duo Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele have frequently referenced code-switching in their humor.

Ian White/Comedy Central/AP

So you're at work one day and you're talking to your colleagues in that professional, polite, kind of buttoned-up voice that people use when they're doing professional work stuff.

Your mom or your friend or your partner calls on the phone and you answer. And without thinking, you start talking to them in an entirely different voice — still distinctly your voice , but a certain kind of your voice less suited for the office. You drop the g's at the end of your verbs. Your previously undetectable accent — your easy Southern drawl or your sing-songy Caribbean lilt or your Spanish-inflected vowels or your New Yawker — is suddenly turned way, way up. You rush your mom or whomever off the phone in some less formal syntax ("Yo, I'mma holler at you later,"), hang up and get back to work.

Then you look up and you see your co-workers looking at you and wondering who the hell you'd morphed into for the last few minutes. That right there? That's what it means to code-switch.

You're looking at the launch of a new team covering race, ethnicity and culture at NPR. We decided to call this team Code Switch because much of what we'll be exploring are the different spaces we each inhabit and the tensions of trying to navigate between them. In one sense, code-switching is about dialogue that spans cultures. It evokes the conversation we want to have here.

Linguists would probably quibble with our definition. (The term arose in linguistics specifically to refer to mixing languages and speech patterns in conversation.) But we're looking at code-switching a little more broadly: many of us subtly, reflexively change the way we express ourselves all the time. We're hop-scotching between different cultural and linguistic spaces and different parts of our own identities — sometimes within a single interaction.

When you're attuned to the phenomenon of code-switching, you start to see it everywhere, and you begin to see the way race, ethnicity and culture plays out all over the place.

You see it in the political world. In January 2009, then-President-elect Obama went to Ben's Chili Bowl, a famous eatery in a historically black D.C. neighborhood. When the (black) cashier asks him if he needs change, Obama replies, "nah, we straight."


(You also might have peeped the gif of President Obamaoffering a conventional handshake to a white assistant coach for USA's Olympic basketball team before immediately dapping up Kevin Durant, one of the team's stars, and greeting him with "My man!" )

You see code-switching in parenting. The blog SpanglishBabyis run by two mothers who are trying to raise their kids to be fluent in both Spanish and English. Among the concerns they address: " Is Your Bilingual Kid Mixing Languages?" When you watch young multilingual kids code-switching between three languages, it looks almost like a superpower:

This young boy's mother addresses him in Indonesian while his father talks French. He mixes in a little English as well.


(A little closer to home: I knew growing up that if my mom answered the phone and used her professional voice that she was probably talking to a stranger, that it was an adult, and that if she were doing this while looking in my direction, I was probably in trouble for something.)

And of course, you see code-switching all over pop culture. In February, the famously opaque Beyoncé released an HBO documentarythat promised her fans never-before-seen access to her life, and proceeded to spend most of it talking in pop-star platitudes while remaining her inscrutable self.

But in a candid video that wasn't part of that doc, we see Beyoncé at a pool hall talking trash to one of her friends whom she just whooped in a game. It gives us a quick glimpse at a different Beyoncé — silly, unrehearsed, a little mischievous. She seemed like she could be your cool-ass cousin (albeit your cool-ass cousin with washboard abs and a flawless smile).


Both those personas are the "real Beyoncé," the same way that you're still you when you're sending an e-mail to your boss that's full of jargon and with proper capitalization and when you're texting to your best friend in lowercase acronyms. Talk in one setting in a tone that's best suited for another, and you might play yourself; it would be ridiculous if she were pop-star Beyoncé in the pool hall. (But it would be kind of dope to see Bey strut into a pool hall in six-inch heels, a sequined minidress, and a wind machine like, "I am Beyoncé and I am here to pool.")

The point is, code-switching is apparent in all the myriad ways we interact with one another and try to feel each other out. Check out this Key & Peele sketch, which gets at the nuances and tensions of code-switching more eloquently than we could say:


Welcome to Code Switch.

By the way: All this week we'll be looking for your best and worst stories about code-switching. Have stories about secretly learning Farsi so you can eavesdrop on your in-laws? Or maybe in that first year of college, when you had a crush on that dude from Atlanta, you suddenly picked up a real thick drawl you previously didn't have whenever you were around him. Drop your stories in the comments, or share them with us directly. Thanks!

Stock Market After-Hours Top Gainers, September 12 – Crumbs Bake Shop Leads Three Companies Gaining Double Digits

Stock Market After-Hours Top Gainers, September 12 – Crumbs Bake Shop Leads Three Companies Gaining Double Digits

Crumbs Bake Shop Inc.

Crumbs Bake Shop Inc. (OTC: CRMB) was the leading gainer in after-hours trading yesterday, together with two other companies that gained more than 10 percent. CRMB stock improved by 18.2 percent to $1.30 per share on 2,500 shares traded, and is now trading 0.92 percent below its 50-day moving average and 45.22 percent below its 200-day moving average. The company’s stock is 68.48 percent below its 52-week high and 39.24 percent above its 52-week low. Crumbs Bake Shop has a wide range of bakeries offering cookies, cupcakes, cakes and other delicacies.

In addition to Crumbs Bake Shop, Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc. (NASDAQ: ULTA) gained 12.2 percent to $112.38 per share on 469,270 shares traded, while regional supermarket chain QKL Stores Inc. (OTC: QKLS) rallied by 11.6 percent to $5.60 per share on 1,500 shares traded. ULTA stock is now 0.24 percent below its 50-day moving average and 6.72 percent above its 200-day moving average.

Ulta Salon stock is trading 6.30 percent under its 52-week high and 38.13 percent above its 52-week low. QKL, on the other hand, is trading 10.12 percent above its 50-day moving average and 4.01 percent below its 200-day moving average. Currently, QKL Stores stock is 57.60 percent below its 52-week high and 672.31 percent better than its 52-week low.

Two other companies improved by better than 5 percent, specifically Lifevantage Corporation (OTC: LFVN), which edged up 5.9 percent to $2.52 on 5,290 shares traded and United Natural Foods, Inc. (NASDAQ: UNFI), which is now at $63.04 on 11,360 shares traded after gaining 5.1 percent. Lifevantage, a science-based nutraceutical company, is now 5.04 percent below and 0.57 percent below its 50-day and 200-day moving averages. The company is 38.18 percent below its 52-week high and 48.75 percent above its 52-week low. United Natural Foods, on the other hand, is trading 1.04 percent above its 50-day moving average and 11.15 percent above its 200-day moving average.

In addition to the above companies, a few others made notable gains in after-hours trading yesterday, including Analogic Corporation (NASDAQ: ALOG), which gained 3.4 percent to $82.40 per share on 7,700 shares traded, and AEP Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: AEPI), which is currently trading at $78.32 per share on 22,020 shares traded, an increase of 3.1 percent. ALOG stock is 8.81 percent above its 50-day moving average and 5.55 percent above its 200-day moving average.

AEP Industries, which is involved in the manufacturing of polyethylene, polyvinyl choride and polypropylene packaging solutions, is, at the present, trading 2.77 percent under its 50-day moving average and 6.80 percent above its 200-day moving average.

Other after-hours gainers from the September 12 trading session included Simmons First National Corp. (NASDAQ: SFNC, up 2.7 percent to $22.33 per share), PulteGroup Inc. (NYSE: PHM, up 2.5 percent to $16.9454), financial holdings company Umpqua Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: UMPQ, up 2.1 percent to $16.48), independent exploration and production company Oasis Petroleum, Inc. (NYSE: OAS, up 1.9 percent to $44.26) and integrated communications service provider Alaska Communications Systems Group Inc. (NASDAQ: ALSK, up 1.9 percent to $2.64 per share).

Stock Market After-Hours Top Gainers, September 16 – Perceptron Yesterday’s Leading Gainer

Stock Market After-Hours Top Gainers, September 16 – Perceptron Yesterday’s Leading Gainer

Perceptron, Inc.

Perceptron, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRCP), a manufacturer and seller of non-contact measurement and inspection solutions, was the leading gainer in after-hours trading yesterday, moving up 9.2 percent to $11.15 per share on 1,350 shares traded. PRCP stock is presently 18.57 percent above its 50-day moving average and 40.07 percent above its 200-day moving average. Perceptron is also 12.96 percent below its 52-week peak and 112.45 percent above its 52-week low.

YOU On Demand Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: YOD) also made a substantial gain, improving by 7 percent to $1.53 per share on 2,000 shares traded. YOD stock, however, is still 14.02 percent below its 50-day moving average and 9.47 percent below its 200-day moving average. YOU On Demand is 63.71 percent below its 52-week high and 43 percent above its 52-week low.

Also gaining more than 5 percent was Everest Re Group Ltd. (NYSE: RE), which improved by 5.7 percent to $149.65 per share on 29,200 shares traded. RE stock is 5.74 percent above its 50-day moving average and 13.57 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company’s share prices are 0.95 percent and 41.54 percent respectively above its 52-week highs and 52-week lows.

Organovo Holdings Inc. (OTC: ONVO) was the only other company gaining more than 4 percent yesterday in after-hours trading, improving by 4.3 percent to $5.29 per share on 2,360 shares traded. ONVO is now 11.42 percent below its 50-day moving average and 19.26 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company’s stock is 40.35 percent below its 52-week peak and 181.67 percent above its 52-week low. Organovo deals with the delivery of breakthrough bioprinting technology and making tissue on demand for medical institutions and their research purposes.

Two companies, namely Market Vectors Indonesia Small-Cap ETF (NYSE: IDX) and K12, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) improved by more than 3 percent but less than 4 percent. IDXJ stock is now at $13.95 percent on 1,200 shares traded, following a 3.3 percent rise, while K12 rallied 3.1 percent to settle at $36.2493 on 1,900 shares traded. IDXJ is presently 7.96 percent below its 50-day moving average and 19.25 percent below its 200-day moving average. The company is now at 35.51 percent under its 52-week high and 19.56 percent above its 52-week low.

As for K12, the company is trading 9.39 percent above its 50-day moving average and 38.03 percent above its 200-day moving average. LRN is also 7.84 percent below its 52-week high and 1222.05 percent above its 52-week low.

Endocyte Inc. (NASDAQ: ECYT), on the other hand, improved by an even 3 percent to $16 per share on 1,100 shares traded. ECYT stock is 4.31 percent below its 50-day moving average and 23.74 percent above its 200-day moving average.

Other companies that made gains in September 16 after-hours trading include OfficeMax Incorporated (NYSE: OMX, up 2.9 percent to $11.4742 per share), Cobalt International Energy Inc. (NYSE: CIE, up 2.5 percent to $25.99), Office Depot, Inc. (NYSE: ODP, up 2.4 percent to $4.3436), Huntsman Corporation (NYSE: HUN, up 2.3 percent to $19.5774), Groupon Inc. (NASDAQ: GRPN, up 2.1 percent to $11.4793) and Dice Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DHX, up 2.1 percent to $8.5769 per share).

Logitech's latest mechanical gaming keyboard is also pretty light

Logitech's latest mechanical gaming keyboard is also pretty light

Mechanical keyboards aren't just for old school PC users anymore -- they've also become fairly popular among the PC gaming crowd .

. The downside for all that glorious, mechanical keyboard feedback? They're usually pretty hefty. Logitech aims to solve that problem with the G410 Atlas Spectrum TKL ($130), a gaming keyboard that eschews the right-hand number pad for a slimmer design. Unlike some mechanical keyboards, it also doesn't have a metal plate inside, which adds quite a bit of weight. Logitech claims its Romer-G mechanical switches allow the G410 to register key presses 25 percent faster than other mechanical keyboards, and they're also designed to withstand 70 million keystrikes (around 40 percent more than the competition). At 1.8 pound, the G410 is half the weight of Logitech's larger G910 keyboard, making it a far better option for lugging around.

Being something for the gaming crowd, the G410 also packs in a bevy of lights. Yes, they're still a bit garish, but they're also more than mere decoration. Developers can have specific elements of their games activate different areas of the keyboard -- for example, they can make certain keys light up like a speedometer for a racing game (something one company is already doing). If you've got other Logitech G devices, like the G633 headset and G303 mouse, you can also sync up all of their lighting.

I've grown used to the flatter, chiclet-style keyboards that are just about everywhere these days, but typing on the G410 brought back some of my earliest PC memories. There was just the right amount of "oomph" when I tried typing a few sentences. Exploring the world of The Witcher 3 with the G410 also felt dramatically different than my existing wireless keyboard and mouse setup. I'm not quite sure if it makes sense to actually write with mechanical keyboards anymore (thought I know many people who swear by them), but I could see how the extra feedback from the G410 could make games a lot more rewarding (even if it's a purely psychological bonus).

The Logitech G410 will hit the U.S. and Europe in October. Check back soon for deeper impressions.

Jaybird's readiness-sensing fitness tracker arrives October 26th

Jaybird's readiness-sensing fitness tracker arrives October 26th

Want a fitness tracker that can tell you when it's time to get moving, rather than simply record your movements?

it's time to get moving, rather than simply record your movements? You won't have to wait long. Jaybird has confirmedthat its Reign wristbandwill reach the US on October 26th at the $199 price promised back in January. The key to the Reign is its "Go-Score," which estimates your readiness for activity based on your heart rate variability -- the higher the score, the better-suited you are to going for a run or bike ride. It's also one of the few trackers that can handle swimming alongside exercise and sleep, so this may be your wearable of choice if you regularly hit the pool. So long as you have an Android or iOS device to pair with, the Reign may be worth checking out if you feel that other activity devices don't cover enough ground.


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Stock Market After-Hours Top Gainers, October 8 – Mistras Group Gains Double-Digit in Yesterday’s After-Hours Session

Stock Market After-Hours Top Gainers, October 8 – Mistras Group Gains Double-Digit in Yesterday’s After-Hours Session

Mistras Group Inc.

Mistras Group Inc. (NYSE: MG) was the leading gainer in after-hours trading yesterday, as the company moved up 11.3 percent to $19.25 per share on 12,700 shares traded. The company is now 1.45 percent below its 50-day moving average and 13.98 percent below its 200-day moving average. Mistras stock is still 31.76 percent below its 52-week high and just 8.19 percent above its 52-week low.

Aside from Mistras, another two companies improved by more than 10 percent in yesterday’s after-hours trading session. Callidus Software Inc. (NASDAQ: CALD), which provides sales performance management solutions, gained 10.5 percent to $9.5 per share on 47,490 shares traded, and is now trading 6.96 percent above its 50-day moving average and 46.42 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company is 8.12 percent below its 52-week peak and 138.89 percent above its 52-week low.

Also, SED International Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SED) rose by 10.3 percent to $1.60 per share on 1,600 shares traded. The company’s stock, however, is oversold as its RSI is at 27.82. SED is trading 27.75 percent and 35.16 percent respectively above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, and 52.77 percent below its 52-week high and 2.11 percent above its 52-week low.

In-vitro diagnostic company TearLab Corporation (NASDAQ: TEAR) improved by 7.6 percent to an even $11 per share on 20,000 shares traded. TEAR stock is 18.33 percent below its 50-day moving average and 12.86 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company is now 32.67 percent under its 52-week peak and 180 percent above its 52-week low.

TearLab was followed by AirMedia Group Inc. (NASDAQ: AMCN), which moved up by 6.6 percent to $2.25 per share on 5,040 shares traded. AirMedia stock is overbought as its RSI is at 76.20. AMCN stock is now 17.29 percent and 101.11 percent respectively above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages. It is also 18.53 percent below its 52-weekhigh and 42.57 percent above its 52-week low.

Three companies gained between 5 and 6.5 percent in after-hours trading yesterday, starting with biotechnology company Seattle Genetics Inc. (NASDAQ: SGEN),which improved 6.5 percent to $43.8098 on 5,200 shares traded. SGEN stock is 5.75 percent under its 50-day moving average and 16.28 percent above its 200-day moving average.

EnteroMedics Inc. (NASDAQ: ETRM) advanced by 6.3 percent to $1.35 per share on 4,150 shares traded, and following its gain, is now 12.85 percent above its 50-day moving average and 3.59 percent below its 200-day moving average.

Lastly, Applied Micro Circuits Corp. (NASDAQ: AMCC) moved up by 5.3 percent to $13.2098 per share on 40,500 shares traded. AMCC stock is 4.31 percent and 34.80 percent respectively above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages.

Other gainers in yesterday’s after-hours session included Threshold Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: THLD, up 4.5 percent to $4.722 per share), United States Antimony Corp. (OTC: UAMY, up 4.4 percent to $1.44), MGT Capital Investments Inc. (NYSE: MGT, up 4 percent to $3.67), XOMA Corporation (NASDAQ: XOMA, up 3.8 percent to $5.008) and Black Diamond Inc. (NASDAQ: BDE, up 3.7 percent to $14.1871 per share, stock overbought as RSI at 77.30).

Stock Market After-Hours Top Losers, October 29 – Black Box Corp. Loses Double Digits

Stock Market After-Hours Top Losers, October 29 – Black Box Corp. Loses Double Digits

Black Box Corp.

Black Box Corp. (NASDAQ: BBOX) was the leading dropper in after-hours trading yesterday, as the company fell 13.3 percent to $27.25 per share on 2,400 shares traded. The company is now 7.58 percent above its 50-day moving average and 21.13 percent above its 200-day moving average. Black Box is trading 0.29 percent under its 52-week high and 64.95 percent above its 52-week low.

Coming close to losing double digits but not quite was dELiA’s Inc. (NASDAQ: DLIA), which is now trading at $1.10 per share on 1,380 shares traded following a 9.1 percent after-hours loss. DLIA is trading 1.54 percent and 11.55 percent respectively above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, and is now 33.88 percent below its 52-week high and 92.06 percent above its 52-week low.

Global money transfer and payment service provider Western Union Co. (NYSE: WU) was one of two companies that took 8 to 9 percent losses in yesterday’s after-hours trading, as it fell 8.8 percent to $17.55 per share on 154,350 shares traded. Western Union stock is now 4.41 percent above its 50-day moving average and 18.56 percent above its 200-day moving average. The company is just 1.33 percent below its 52-week high and 66.57 percent above its 52-week low.

Also, Shutterfly Inc. (NASDAQ: SFLY) ticked down by 8.2 percent to $48 per share on 76,410 shares traded. Shutterfly is trading 4.86 percent below its 50-day moving average and 7.14 percent above its 200-day moving average. SFLY stock is now 12.80 percent below its 52-week peak and 107.55 percent above its 52-week low.

IAC/InterActive Corp. (NASDAQ: IACI) led three companies that lost between 7 and 8 percent in after-hours trading yesterday, falling 7.4 percent to $53.60 per share on 93,360 shares traded. The company’s RSI is 72.20, which makes its stock overbought. IACI stock is trading 8.68 percent above its 50-day moving average and 21.05 percent better than its 200-day moving average. The company is now 1.49 percent above its 52-week high and 53.91 percent above its 52-week low.

Other companies that lost between 7 and 8 percent were PAREXEL International Corporation (NASDAQ: PRXL), which fell 7.3 percent to $50.85 per share on 6,010 shares traded, and Capstone Turbine Corp. (NASDAQ: CPST), which dipped 7.1 percent to $1.30 per share on 4,200 shares traded. Both companies have their stock overbought as their RSIs are at 74.68 and 77.64 respectively.

PRXL is now 10.05 percent above its 50-day moving average and 24.35 percent above its 200-day moving average. Capstone, on the other hand, is trading 17.98 percent above its 50-day moving average and 29.68 percent better than its 200-day moving average.

In addition to the above companies, other notable losers included Yelp Inc. (NYSE: YELP, down 6.2 percent to $64.60 per share), Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V. (NYSE: CBI, down 5.5 percent to $69.75), Questcor Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: QCOR, down 5.4 percent to $66), United States Steel Corp. (NYSE: X, down 5.1 percent to $24.1827, stock overbought as RSI at 75.03), MDC Partners Inc. (NASDAQ: MDCA, down 4.9 percent to $30.7696, stock overbought as RSI at 77.74) and CommVault Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: CVLT, down 4.7 percent to $76.692 per share).

UE Boom: a splash-resistant, Bluetooth-enabled speaker for overzealous rioters

UE Boom: a splash-resistant, Bluetooth-enabled speaker for overzealous rioters

You know what'll go perfectly with that waterproof Bluetooth speaker ball that a Billy Corgan doppelganger recommended a few years back?

recommended a few years back? That odd tube you're undoubtedly fixated on above. That's the Ultimate Ears UE Boom, and those people underneath are presumably blitzed from a day of raving at [insert EDM festival here]. Parent company Logitechis calling this thing the "world's first social music player," but last we checked, it's not capable of tweeting whatever you're listening to. Instead, it's seemingly engineered "to help you rage, riot, party and play the music you love, out loud." Seriously -- that's in the description.

In order to do so, there's a Bluetooth radio within, NFC support, a 15-hour rechargeable battery and an exterior that'll turn away light splashes. Of note, you can wirelessly link two UE Booms together using an associated Android or iOS app to play them in either stereo-to-stereo mode or traditional left / right stereo mode. It's expected to hit US and European shores later this month for $199.99, which means you too can take weird shots of yourself holding it at frat parties in the very, very near future.

UE Boom a splashresistant, Bluetoothenabled speaker for overzealous rioters

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Ultimate Ears Unveils World's First Social Music Player: UE BOOM

Leverages YouTube Comedy Channel JASH in Summer-Long Campaign Aimed at Making Music Social
"The digital age has changed how we listen to our favorite songs and interact with music,"

NEWARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today Ultimate Ears introduced UE BOOM, a social music player made to help you rage, riot, party and play the music you love, out loud. It's designed to make the most of digital music's convenience, while making it less of a solitary experience.

UE BOOM is the first-ever social music player, a wireless speaker that's packed with a specific set of features that sets a new standard for listening to music. It's the first stereo speaker to offer 360-degree sound in a battery-powered device, and features a 15-hour rechargeable battery. Its versatile go-anywhere shape is wrapped in a specially developed acoustic skin that is both water and stain resistant so you can enjoy your music anywhere you go. And it is made for connecting with others. If more friends crash the party, you can wirelessly connect two UE BOOMs together through the free UE BOOM app (available for iOS™ and Android™) to play them in either stereo-to-stereo mode or traditional left/right stereo mode.

"The digital age has changed how we listen to our favorite songs and interact with music," said Rory Dooley, general manager of Ultimate Ears. "While online music services have made it easier to access your music, it's remained a challenge to have an anytime, anywhere listening experience that can be shared with others. UE BOOM solves that problem. Ultimate Ears strives to amplify the social experience of listening to music, bringing people together around the music they love. UE BOOM is designed to bring music out into the world, and that's why we're also supporting this introduction with a campaign to inspire young music fans to make music social."

In conjunction with the launch of UE Boom, Ultimate Ears is initiating The Social Music Experiment – a lighthearted examination of the effect music has on people in social environments. As part of this effort throughout the summer, Ultimate Ears is teaming up with YouTube comedy channel JASH and its noted music expert, Reggie Watts, to produce an original series entitled The Social Music Experiment. Reggie will play the role of Ultimate Ears' first ever "Head of Socio-Musicology" putting his social music theories to the test in a series of hilarious real-world experiments. In each episode Reggie will take a UE Boom and his crazy hypothesis to the streets to understand the effects that social music has on everyday people in everyday places. The series launches today exclusively on JASH's comedy network on YouTube (http://jash.com/social-music-experiment/) and will then be syndicated beginning May 28 across a variety of other digital sites including Collegehumor.com and ultimateears.com. Episodes are expected to roll out through the end of June.

After nearly 20 years of working with the most discerning ears in music, Ultimate Ears has set out to help change the way people experience the music they love with its range of critically acclaimed wireless speakers and earphones. That tradition continues with UE BOOM and interactive programs such as The Social Music Experiment.

Pricing and Availability

UE BOOM is expected to be available in the U.S. and Europe in May 2013, and in select countries in Asia in June 2013, for a suggested retail price of $199.99. For more information, and to find a retailer near you, please visit www.ultimateears.com.

About Ultimate Ears

Ultimate Ears, a brand of Logitech, revolutionized the way artists perform music on stage with the creation of its custom fit professional earphones in 1995. Today, more touring artists use Ultimate Ears than any other brand, and UE makes critically acclaimed earphones and speakers that are redefining the way people experience the music they love. Ultimate Ears is the leading supplier of in-ear-monitors for professional musicians and an emerging provider of premium speakers and headphones for the consumer market. For more information, please visit www.ultimateears.com.

Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are registered in Switzerland and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information about Logitech and its products, visit the company's website at www.logitech.com.

Banking and Investment Stocks, May 6 – Top Winners and Losers in Banking and Investment Sector

Banking and Investment Stocks, May 6 – Top Winners and Losers in Banking and Investment Sector

AerCap Holdings N.V. (NYSE: AER) was the biggest gaining financial institution in the banking and investment sector on Tuesday, as the company moved up by $1.84 (4.22 percent) to close the trading session at $45.44. The institution’s market capitalization is now at $5.17 billion.

AerCap Holdings N.V. (NYSE: AER) was the biggest gaining financial institution in the banking and investment sector on Tuesday, as the company moved up by $1.84 (4.22 percent) to close the trading session at $45.44. The institution’s market capitalization is now at $5.17 billion. AerCap Holdings N.V. is described as an integrated global aviation company and is primarily involved in acquiring aviation assets at competitive prices.

Second among Tuesday’s banking and investment gainers was BofI Holding Inc. (NASDAQ: BOFI), which ticked upwards by $2.76 (3.44 percent) to $83.02 per share. The bank’s market capitalization was, as of yesterday, at $1.17 billion. BofI Holding Inc. is a holding company for San Diego-based diversified financial services company BofI Federal Ban, and is headed by Chairman of the Board Theodore C. Allrich and Gregory Garrabrants.

Other companies that placed among yesterday’s top five gainers in banking and investment were LCNB Corp. (NASDAQ: LCNB, $15.92, +$0.37/2.38 percent), Hingham Institution for Savings (NASDAQ: HIFS, $72.01, +$1.31/1.85 percent), and MCG Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: MCGC, $3.30, +$0.06/1.85 percent). Market capitalization of the three institutions is now at $147.93 million, $153.29 million, and $214.48 million respectively.

Tuesday’s top banking and investment losers were led off by Tree.com Inc. (NASDAQ: TREE), which made a rather significant drop, falling 13.61 percent, or $3.96, to $25.14 per share. The company now has a market cap of $284.26 million. Tree.com Inc., which is led by Chairman Douglas R. Lebda, is the parent company of LendingTree LLC, and the parent of other companies under the LendingTree, LLC umbrella, such as Home Loan Center, Inc. The company provides information, advice, products, services and tools for what is described as “critical (financial) transactions in consumers’ lives.”

The other four companies among the biggest losers in the banking and investment sector included NASB Financial Inc. (NASDAQ: NASB, $21.74, -$1.80/-7.65 percent), Synchronoss Tech Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR, $28.65, -$1.53/-5.07 percent), Guaranty Bancorp (NASDAQ: GBNK, $12.32, -$0.64/4.94 percent), and Ocwen Financial Corp. (NYSE: OCN, $32.14, -$1.59/-4.71 percent). At the close of Tuesday trading, market capital was, and currently is at $171.04 million for NASB, $1.18 billion for Synchronoss, $254.74 million for Guaranty, and $4.34 billion for Ocwen.

Bank of America Corp. (NYSE: BAC) remained the number one financial institution in the banking and investment space in terms of most actives by dollar volume. The bank is now trading at $14.73 per share, or $0.35/2.32 percent less compared to the previous day’s close. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) was second among most actives, trading at $53.34 per share, or $0.88/1.62 percent lower than the day before; its market cap is valued at $201.88 billion.

Other banks in the list of top five most active institutions included Citigroup Inc. (NYSE: C), which fell by $0.82/1.74 percent to $46.36 per share and a market capitalization of $140.83 billion, Wells Fargo & Co. (NYSE: WFC), which lost $0.47/0.95 percent to settle at $49.09 per share, and Visa Inc. (NYSE: V), which retreated by $1.77/0.85 percent to $205.36 per share. Currently, market capitalization is $258.49 billion for Wells Fargo and $129.06 billion for Visa.

Stock Market After-Hours Top Losers, November 1 – H&E Equipment Services Down By 12.8 Percent

Stock Market After-Hours Top Losers, November 1 – H&E Equipment Services Down By 12.8 Percent

H&E Equipment Services Inc.

H&E Equipment Services Inc. (NASDAQ: HEES) was the top loser in after-hours trading Friday, as the integrated equipment services company fell by 12.8 percent to $25.067 per share on 4,210 shares traded. H&E stock is overbought due to its RSI being at 72.34. The company is now trading 14.44 percent above its 50-day moving average and 30.43 percent above its 200-day moving average. H&E is also trading 5.39 percent above its 52-week high and 106.54 percent above its 52-week low.

Also losing double digits was AMN Healthcare Services Inc. (NYSE: AHS), which ticked down by 10.3 percent to $12.4184 per share on 2,320 shares traded. AHS is now 1.82 percent above its 50-day moving average and 1.22 percent under its 200-day moving average. The healthcare staffing company is presently 14.51 below its 52-week high and 43.82 percent above its 52-week low.

Two companies lost between 9 and 10 percent Friday in after-hours trading – Gulf Resources Inc. (NASDAQ: GURE), which fell 9.5 percent to $2.01 per share on 1,800 shares traded, and Bottomline Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: EPAY), which is now at $31.4665 per share on 6,000 shares traded following a 9.3 percent drop. Gulf Resources is trading 18.36 percent better than its 50-day moving average and 65.20 percent above its 200-day moving average, and 28.39 percent below its 52-week high and 152.27 percent above its 52-week low.

Bottomline Technologies, following its drop, is now trading 20.83 percent and 24.31 percent respectively above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages. It is still trading 4.68 percent better than its 52-week high and 56.52 percent above its 52-week low. Bottomline’s stock, however, is overbought as its RSI is at 76.44.

A total of four companies lost between 7 and 8 percent, beginning with Healthways Inc. (NASDAQ: HWAY), which retreated 7.5 percent to $9.6443 per share on 2,560 shares traded. The company’s stock is oversold, however, as its RSI is at 20.41. Healthways is trading 40.32 percent and 29.68 percent respectively below its 50-day and 200-day moving averages.

Healthways was followed by Penn Virginia Corporation (NYSE: PVA), which fell 7.4 percent to $8.5226 on 7,500 shares traded. Penn Virginia stock is overbought as its RSI is at 78.27. The company is now trading 42.57 percent above its 50-day moving average and 83.15 percent above its 200-day moving average.

Idera Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: IDRA) was third out of four companies losing between 7 and 8 percent, as it dropped 7.1 percent to $1.7185 per share on 4,300 shares traded. IDRA stock is 12.91 percent below its 50-day moving average and 65.82 percent above its 200-day moving average.

Lastly, GT Advanced Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: GTAT) dipped by 7 percent to $7.5111 per share on 15,410 shares traded. GT Advanced is trading 4.12 percent above its 50-day moving average and 66.07 percent above its 200-day moving average.

Other significant losers in after-hours trading Friday included Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SPR, down 6.6 percent to $26.6505 per share, stock overbought as RSI at 79.78), Barrett Business Services Inc. (NASDAQ: BBSI, down 6.5 percent to $83.3932, stock overbought as RSI at 70.25), GrafTech International Ltd. (NYSE: GTI, down 6.3 percent to $8.9132, stock overbought as RSI at 71.83), Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE: HPQ, down 6.1 percent to $24.3339, stock overbought as RSI at 80.64), Computer Programs & Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: CPSI, down 5.7 percent to $57.1244) and U.S. Auto Parts Network Inc. (NASDAQ: PRTS, down 5.7 percent to $1.792 per share).

Facebook site helps start your programming career

Facebook site helps start your programming career

Facebook knows that it can't hire a more diverse workforce unless there's a broader interest in computer science, and it just launched a website to help that happen.

TechPrepprovides resources to learners (and parents) who are curious about programming, but might not know where to start. It suggests services and gadgets based on your age, skill, and what you're looking for. If you're a teen just starting out, you'll be pointed toward a simple programming language like Scratch. Come to the site as an adult with a bit of experience, meanwhile, and you may see a link to Arduino boardsinstead. It's a small effort, but it could mean a lot if it starts you on a coding career that you wouldn't have considered otherwise.

[Image credit: AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki]

Today we're launching TechPrep -- a website to help people start programming careers.It shows parents and students what programming is, why it's important, and what sort of jobs are available for those who can code. It guides people to resources to get started -- everything from classes to college prep. And it features real stories from people from under-represented groups who've used the resources to start careers in tech. Improving diversity in the tech industry is an important challenge, and something we're deeply committed to at Facebook. Everyone should be able to take advantage of the opportunities created by the internet. Giving everyone the opportunity to learn to code will create even more valuable tools to serve society. Through research with McKinsey, we found that there are very few resources in particular for Black or Hispanic learners, and we wanted to change this. We've also put together resources for parents and guardians so they can provide young people with advice and support. We hope this is a valuable resource for people in our community, and that it helps makes a small contribution towards making our industry more diverse. Check out TechPrep at: https://techprep.fb.com

Mark Zuckerbergon Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Movies Showcase Mississippi's Villainous Role

Movies Showcase Mississippi's Villainous Role

Quentin Tarantino's slavery revenge story Django Unchained , has been nominated for a number of Oscars.

, has been nominated for a number of Oscars. The spaghetti western is up for best picture, original screenplay and actor Christoph Waltz has been nominated for his supporting role in the film. The state of Mississippi plays a supporting role too, but Mississippians are tired of being typecast.

Logitech snaps up Ultimate Ears, chasing this "portable audio" market we've heard so much about

Logitech snaps up Ultimate Ears, chasing this "portable audio" market we've heard so much about

Logitech is getting into the earbuds game, announcing today that it's buying privately-held Ultimate Ears.

is getting into the earbuds game, announcing today that it's buying privately-held Ultimate Ears. Historically focusing on spendy in-ear monitors for live musicians, Ultimate Ears has recently hit the earbud gamewith full force, and Logitech seems to want a piece of that action. Plus the acquisition price of $34 million is like, what, profits from your last seven minutes of iPod dock sales, Logitech? Logitech and Ultimate Ears expect the deal to close in August.

In this article:

Mortgage Interest Rates: ForTheBestRate.Com Reports Mortgage Rates Close to Record Lows as of Friday

Mortgage Interest Rates: ForTheBestRate.Com Reports Mortgage Rates Close to Record Lows as of Friday

Average rates for fixed-rate mortgages were down as of Friday last week, according to the latest survey from ForTheBestRate.com. The mortgage research service reported that mortgage rates were close to record lows on Friday, April 19, 2013, as the housing market continues to make a steady recovery and home financing in general continues to become more affordable for American home buyers.

30-year fixed mortgage rates were as low as 3.125 percent as of Friday, with an annual percentage rate of 3.204 percent, points at 1.000 and no APR fees, while 15-year fixed rates for home loans had gone as low as 2.500 percent, with an APR of 2.500 percent, with no points and no APR fees.

In addition, government-backed mortgage buyer Freddie Mac’s most recent survey from this Thursday, April 25 also shows mortgage rates nearing record lows. For 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, the average rate went down from 3.41 percent to 3.40 percent, while 15-year fixed-rate mortgages dropped from 2.64 percent to 2.61 percent, which is a new record-low. The previous record-low for this mortgage was 2.63% from last November.

Five-year adjustable rate mortgages dropped as well, from 2.60 percent to an all-time low 2.58 percent this week. The one-year ARM was down a bit, from 2.63 percent to 2.62 percent, the mortgage-finance company reported.

According to housing experts, the recent reductions in mortgage rates should indeed benefit home buyers. As the generally fickle nature of mortgage rates can be a source of stress for buyers, rates that are at record-low levels or close to that should make buying a home at this point an even more enticing option for consumers.

Securing your iOS device for your children, Part 1: Setting up a kid-friendly iTunes account

Securing your iOS device for your children, Part 1: Setting up a kid-friendly iTunes account

There has been a string of high-profile cases where children have racked up thousands of dollars in credit card charges through in-app purchases .

. In these cases and others like them, the iOS devices used by the children have not been properly locked downby the parents.

In this three-part series, we will show you how to set up a kid-friendly iTunes account, lock down your device to prevent in-app purchasesand perform some maintenancethat'll prevent your tot from sending emails or tweeting on your behalf. In this first post, we start at the beginning and show you how to set up an iTunes account that you can safely use on your child's iOS device.

Set up an iTunes account without a payment method

Before handing over an iOS device to your child, you should set up an iTunes account for him or her. This account should be separate from your personal iTunes account and should only have access to a limited amount of funds. As noted by Macworld, you can easily create a new Apple ID account that does not have a credit card or any other payment option attached to it. No payment method means there will be no errant charges. Here are the steps to follow when setting up a credit card-free account:

Open iTunes on your desktop and find a free app in the App Store. Click on the buy button and select "Create Apple ID" in the pop-up dialog box. Enter in the email address information (the Apple ID), password and security questions required to establish a new Apple ID. Choose a password that your child cannot guess and do not give the password to them. In the payment screen, make sure "None" is selected and enter in your address information. Verify the Apple ID by following the verification instructions sent to the email address used to set up the account.
Re-purpose an old iTunes account

If you have an old iTunes account kicking around, you can also re-purpose that account for your child. To make it kid-safe, you'll have to remove any payment information from the account first. To remove a payment option, open iTunes on your desktop and click on "Store" and then "View My Apple ID" in the menu bar at the top. You will see your current payment information in the Apple ID Summary section, along with a link to edit that payment choice. Click this "edit" link and then select "None" for the payment method.

You can also remove payment information on an iOS device by going to Settings > iTunes & App Stores > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Payment Information > None. This latter on-device method does not work with iTunes accounts that use PayPal as a payment source.

Add Money using a Gift Card or Allowance

If your child only wants to download free apps, then you don't have to do anything else with their iTunes account. Most likely, though, your child will encounter a paid app they want to download, and you will need to add a funding source to their iTunes account. Don't add a credit card or a link to your PayPal account. Instead, use a gift card or set up an allowance to add a limited amount of money to their account. Gift cards are available to purchase within iTunes, from Apple's online storeor at major retail stores like Best Buy, Targetand Walmart. You can also turn in loose change at a Coinstar machineand put that balance on an iTunes gift card. You can redeem a gift card in iTunes or on your child's iOS device using these instructionsprovided by Apple.

If you don't want to bother with gift cards, Apple has an allowance option that uses the parent's iTunes account to add money (in amounts from $10 to $50) to the child's account each month. You can read how to set up an allowanceon Apple's support website.

Once the iTunes account is created and set up with a safe funding source, you are now ready for a deep dive into the settingswhere you will learn how to set up a passcode, restrict in-app purchases and hide apps from the home screen. We cover these security measures in part two of our three-part series.

In this article:







Google Play Music finally gets into the podcasting game

Google Play Music finally gets into the podcasting game

For the plethora of musical choices offered on Google Play Music, one genre has been noticeably absent: podcasts.

For the plethora of musical choices offered on Google Play Music, one genre has been noticeably absent: podcasts. Not anymore! Google announced today on its Official Android Blog that the streaming service will soon offer a variety of popular podcastsincluding Nerdist, Earwolf, How Stuff Works and StarTalk Radio, to name just a few. A proper consumer-side service appears to still be a few months away so, for now, Google's created a portalfor US-based podcasters to begin uploading their personal content.

[Image Credit: LA Times via Getty Images]

HBO's Bill Simmons outs Google podcast plans

HBO's Bill Simmons outs Google podcast plans

Thanks, Bill.

Image credit: Mike Windle/Getty Images

Mike Windle/Getty Images

Google tipped podcastsfor Play Musicback in the fall, but it looks like the company is finally prepping for their debut. Thanks to HBO's Bill Simmons, the Twitterverse now knows that Google Play's "podcast platform" is due to launch this month. Of course, there's a chance Simmons is just blowing hot air (he's been known to do thatfrom time to time), but if a group outside of Google's ranks knows about an arrival date, it's likely big-name content producers. The tweet has since been deleted, so you can draw your own conclusions there.

Simmons, who started Grantland (RIP) at ESPN , has loads of listeners for his current self-titled podcastwhich launched ahead of his HBO show that's set to debut this year. If his facts are correct, we should be hearing from Mountain View soon enough. Despite laying the groundwork to bring podcasts into Play Music last year, only a handful of the more popular podcasts were said to become available there. Here's to hoping that changes, so we'll be able to stream all of our favorites

Freddie Mac Reports Increase in 30-year Mortgage Rates

Freddie Mac Reports Increase in 30-year Mortgage Rates

The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), more popularly known as Freddie Mac, reported a slight increase in average 30-year fixed rate mortgage interest rates.

The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), more popularly known as Freddie Mac, reported a slight increase in average 30-year fixed rate mortgage interest rates. Freddie Mac conducts this weekly survey on home mortgage loans to provide borrowers with an idea of how affordable home loans are.

After holding steady at 3.53% for the past few weeks, the average 30-year fixed interest rate rose to 3.56% recently. This puts the rate a quarter percentage point higher than its previous lows in 2012. Meanwhile, the average 15-year fixed rate mortgage interest rate stayed at 2.77%. As for ARM loans or adjustable rate mortgages, the starting rates were flat to slightly higher, depending on the duration of the fixed interest rate period. Under the ARM type of loan, the mortgage rate is fixed for the specified number of years, after which the applicable home loan rate is adjusted depending on current market rates at the time of the reset.

On the one hand, higher mortgage rates are spurring activity in the housing sector as these push home prices up. Real estate websites are reporting that a significant number of of U.S. homeowners were freed from negative equity last year as their mortgages are now at par or cheaper than the actual value of their home properties.

However, higher interest rates are also dampening housing demand as borrowers are faced with stricter credit conditions. The recently released FOMC meeting minutes from the Federal Reserve revealed that the central bank was considering tapering off its asset purchases, which suggests higher interest rates and tighter monetary policy. This could lead to a further increase in home mortgage rates, which would make loans less affordable for home buyers.

Freddie Mac also surveys lenders on how much borrowers are willing to pay in upfront fees. The latest report shows that borrowers would have paid an average of 0.8% of the total loan amount in fees and discount points to the lenders.

Skype for web will soon work without plug-ins on Microsoft Edge

Skype for web will soon work without plug-ins on Microsoft Edge

Skype has been planning to make its voice and video call services available on the web without having to install plug-ins since 2014.

to make its voice and video call services available on the web without having to install plug-ins since 2014. Now, its parent company's preparing to make that happen for its new Edge browser. The latest Windows 10 Insider Preview build comes withObject RTC API. That's the element that allows real-time audio and video communication without the need for any installation not just for Skype for Weband Outlook.com, but also for other WebRTC-compatible services. This is just a preview of ORTC on Edge, though, and you can't enjoy this seamless experience right now. However, the service says the technology will exit the preview phase and go live sometime later this year. To note, Chrome, Firefox and Safari all support WebRTC standards, but it's unclear if and when Skype will enable a plug-in-less experience for those browsers, as well.

[Image credit: 1000heads/Flickr]

Microsoft's Edge browser gets a handful of new extensions

Microsoft's Edge browser gets a handful of new extensions

Pinterest, Amazon, Evernote and Adblock Plus are all supported.

Microsoft has announced some important new extensionsfor its Edge browser at the annual Build developer conference. Major services like Pinterest, Amazon, Evernote, LastPass, Reddit, Adblock and Adblock Plus can now plug into Microsoft's newest browser. This comes a few weeks after an updated version of Edge rolled outthat supported a paltry three extensions; those announced at Build bring the number up a little bit, but Edge still lags far behind Chrome, Firefox or even Safari in this department.

It's worth noting that the support for Adblock and Adblock Plus extensions is how Microsoft plans to offer an ad-blocking experience. Originally, some slides from a developer presentation made it seem as if Edge would have built-in ad-blocking; instead, it'll just support the feature from third-party developers. That's just how Apple and Google handle ad-blocking with Safari and Chrome.

While it's good that Microsoft is supporting more extensions, the company has a lot of work to do to close the gap with its browser competition. Most users probably don't use more than a handful of extensions (and lots probably don't use any at all), but those who swear by them likely won't switchto Microsoft's browser without replacements.

30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Retreats from Recent Highs, Says Freddie Mac

30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Retreats from Recent Highs, Says Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac, which is short for Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), was established by the U.S. government in 1970.

Freddie Mac, which is short for Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), was established by the U.S. government in 1970. Its primary goal is to provide homebuyers with better access to home financing.

The agency conducts a weekly survey on the housing industry. This survey asks lenders and banks for the mortgage interest rates they offer to borrowers, inclusive of closing costs and discount points. The rates quoted assume that the borrower has paid 1% of the total loan value in origination fees.

For this week, Freddie Mac reported that the average 30-year fixed rate retreated from its recent highs of 3.63% last week and fell to 3.54% this week. As for the average 15-year fixed rate, Freddie Mac also noted a decline from last week’s 2.79% rate to just an average of 2.72% this week.

Compared to the same week last year, average fixed mortgage rates are considerably lower. Last year, the average 30-year fixed rate stood at 4.08%. From there, the rate bottomed out around 3.31% towards the end of the year then stabilized around 3.5% at the start of 2013.

Freddie Mac Chief Economist Frank Nothaft noted that average mortgage rates are likely to stay within their current levels for the rest of the year as the U.S. Federal Reserve expressed no rush to tighten monetary policy anytime soon. During the latest Fed statement, Chairman Ben Bernanke remarked that the policymakers continue to watch inflation and employment very closely to determine whether the U.S. economy can do without quantitative easing.

In addition, the Fed cut their inflation forecasts for the year as they expect consumer price levels to remain subdued in the near term. This suggests that interest rate hikes are not imminent, even for home mortgage lenders. For now, the relatively stable interest rate environment is attracting demand for mortgages, both for home purchases and refinancing.

Mortgage Rates Reach 6-Month Highs, Reports Freddie Mac

Mortgage Rates Reach 6-Month Highs, Reports Freddie Mac

dFreddie Mac, short for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), reported a jump in average mortgages for the week.

dFreddie Mac, short for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), reported a jump in average mortgages for the week. According to the weekly survey the agency conducted among lenders and borrowers, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage increased sharply from 3.52% last week to 3.63% this week. The last time average 30-year fixed interest rates reached this level was in August last year.

As for the 15-year fixed rate loan, the average mortgage rate rose from 2.76% last week to 2.79% this week. This is lower compared to the average 15-year fixed rate of 3.16% during the same week a year ago.

For the ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) loans, the average 5/1 ARM rate is at 2.61% this week, down from the 2.63% average rate recorded during the previous week. One-year Treasury-index ARM loan rates increased slightly from an average of 2.63% last week to 2.64% this week, lower than the 2.79% average rate reported during the same week last year.

These mortgage interest rate increases follow stronger than expected U.S. economic data released over the past few days. Last Friday, the U.S. reported a higher than estimated increase in hiring as the non-farm payrolls report printed a 236K figure and showed that the jobless rate fell from 7.9% to 7.7% in February. This was succeeded by an upbeat retail sales report released this week, which revealed that consumer spending rose by 1.1% in February, more than twice as much as the estimated 0.5% increase. This prompted lenders to speculate about higher interest rates in the future as good economic data could convince the Federal Reserve to withdraw some of its monetary stimulus.

Freddie Mac’s weekly survey also revealed that borrowers are willing to pay 0.8% of the total loan amount in upfront fees to the lender.

If the U.S. economy continues to print strong data in the coming weeks, it could add to speculations of tighter monetary policy and interest rate hikes, which might end up dampening demand for home loans.

You'll soon be able to make Skype calls in your browser

You'll soon be able to make Skype calls in your browser

Microsoft has just announced that you'll soon be able to make video and voice Skype calls from just about any computer with a web browser.

from just about any computer with a web browser. Skype for Web (beta) calls will work on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and of course, Internet Explorer, with the addition of a "small plugin," at least for now. Microsoft said that it'll eventually work natively on browsers without plugins or downloads once WebRTC is more widely implemented. That'll be especially handy for users with no access to the dedicated app who may want to chat with or message friends from, say, an internet cafe in a foreign country.

It's arriving to "a small number of existing and new users" in a limited beta on Skype.com. If you don't see an invitation next time you log into your Skype account, that means you're not on that list for now.

Google testifies before House of Representatives, calls for updated email privacy laws

Google testifies before House of Representatives, calls for updated email privacy laws

Google's legal director of law enforcement and information security, Richard Salgado, is set to testify before the US House of Representatives this morning about the need for new email privacy legislation.

legislation. In his written testimony, Salgado notes that the 1986 ECPA(Electronic Communications Privacy Act) doesn't reflect the internet circa 2013, noting how cloud computing has increased the amount of user information shared and stored online.

Salgado's prepared statement calls for updates to ECPA that allow for greater privacy measures, while also ensuring that government agencies can obtain access to documents when necessary. He points to the ECPA's policy on government requests to view users' email -- only a subpoena is required for email 180 days or older, but viewing newer communication requires a search warrant -- as an example of the law's "inconsistent, confusing and uncertain standards." Google wants to alter the ECPA to require search warrants to access any user data stored online, regardless of their age. Salgado's testimony also touches on Mountain View's own efforts to improve transparency when it comes to user privacy, including publishing reports about government requests. Read the statement in full via the source link below.


In this article:







Episode 562: A Mall Divided

Episode 562: A Mall Divided

Steve Henn/NPR
Steve Henn/NPR
The Westfield Valley Fair Mall in California is like any other mall, except for one thing: Half of it is in the city of San Jose, and the other half is in the city of Santa Clara.

Note: This episode originally ran in August 2014.

The Westfield Valley Fair Mall in California is like any other mall, except for one thing: Half of it is in the city of San Jose, and the other half is in the city of Santa Clara. The boundary line runs right through the mall.

For a long time, this didn't matter. But in 2012, one city — San Jose — raised its minimum wage from $8 an hour to $10 an hour. This change created two economic worlds within a single, large building. Employees doing more or less the same work, just steps away from each other, started making different wages.

On today's show: Minimum wage stories from a single mall. What happens when some stores suddenly have to pay their workers more — and others are still paying less.

Music: " The Happy Go Luckys" and " Funky Funky Fun." Find us: Twitter/ Facebook.

Heart Bot can draw an artistic rendition of your heartbeat (video)

Heart Bot can draw an artistic rendition of your heartbeat (video)

How does a famous-rapper-slash-business-tycoon and a tech titan launch a collaborative project?

How does a famous-rapper-slash-business-tycoon and a tech titan launch a collaborative project? Apparently, by throwing a fancy soirée graced by the presence of a robotic Picasso. In honor of Intel's and SMS Audio's (a company founded by 50 Cent) new heart rate-monitoring headphones, a team of interactive artists led by Aramiqueof digital production company Toolcreated a robot that can draw its viewers' heartbeats. You simply place your hand on a sensor for 30 seconds, and the aptly named Heart Bot's arms will start moving, sketching your heartbeat with pens. It does so by feeding your heart's rhythm to a software that translates it to movements for Heart Bot's pen-equipped mechanical arms.

Heart Bot was on display for one day during the party (no word on whether Bacardi was served) at The New Museum in New York, before it toured Intel's facilities in San Francisco. According to Motherboard , you might catch a glimpse of it at CES 2015, but make sure to watch how it works below, just in case that doesn't push through.

