Live Periscope feeds will show up on Twitter for iOS

Watch periscopes without actually downloading Periscope.

Like GIFsand Vinesbefore it, Periscope streams will now show up and play directly in the Twitter timeline on iOS. If you happen to miss the live stream, replays will also autoplay when you see the original tweet. When tapped, the videos will expand to fill the screen instead of forcing you to launch the Periscope app.

Kayvon Beykpour, Periscope CEO, said in a post today, "today, we're making it easier to see what's happening by bringing Periscope broadcasts -- both live and replays -- directly into tweets."

By adding playback of Periscope videos directly to the timeline of its app, Twitter is making sure that broadcasters will get a larger audience for their streams. Currently when a Periscope link is clicked on, the viewer is pushed to, or prompted to download, the Periscope app. Removing that barrier should get more eyeballs on those videos.

But, if you want to chat you'll still need to use the app.

Twitter says the update for iOS will be rolling out over the next couple of days and that it will add the feature to Android and the web as soon as they are ready.