A Message to Donald From the Border

We who live in San Diego have an obvious interest in immigration issues since we are (a) on the Mexican border, and (b) have a high population of the very individuals that Mr.

We who live in San Diego have an obvious interest in immigration issues since we are (a) on the Mexican border, and (b) have a high population of the very individuals that Mr. Trump wishes to evict.

It just seems to me that Donald is not thinking outside the wall. Yes, we're talking that 2,000-mile-long now-40-foot-but-getting-ever-taller bastion he plans to build along the U.S. border with Mexico similar to the one in China only with more barbed wire. This will allegedly put a stop to the entry of rapist-drugdealer-criminals. Then the only problem is to repatriate the undocumented folks who are already here to the other side of it. Voilà! America will be great again.

Since the Republican office seekers, including and especially Doanld, don't live on the border, or even in California, I feel compelled to point out some issues they should be considering.