Facebook shows how you'll be able to auto-tag friends in videos

This upcoming feature will recognize people as they appear in the frame.

On stage at Facebook's annual F8 developer conference, the company did a quick demo of an upcoming auto-tagging feature for video. Using the artificial-intelligence-based recognition technology Facebook already uses to identify your friends in photos, the social network will be able to determine who's in your videos.

It's unclear so far when this feature will roll out, but so far we know that it can not only find people in a video, but also pinpoint in the video player's timeline the exact moment that person shows up in the frame. Users will then be able to click on a person's tag and go directly to where they appear on camera.

From there, Facebook is working to get its AI computer vision implementationto recognize not only people in videos, but also objects, and in real-time. To that end, the company did a quick demonstration in which its technology was able to identify a cat, fireworks and food videos.