There’s still plenty of room for Instagram to grow in the US

By now, it seems everyone and their grandma is on Facebook.

While the social network might view the US as a saturated market, it is expected to keep seeing healthy user growth, thanks to Instagram.

A new report today (Feb. 22) from eMarketer forecasts that 89.4 million Americans—one in three mobile phone users in the US—will log into Instagram at least once a month in 2016. Of those users, 60% will be millennials.

Though Facebook’s growth in new users has been steadily declining in the US, Instagram will continue to see double-digit growth until 2018, according to the firm.

Facebook hasn’t historically broken out revenue for Instagram, but eMarketer projects that 10% of its global ad revenue in 2016 will come from the photo-sharing app. In the US, the firm expects that number to jump to 20%.

Read this next: Facebook has created a $13 billion mobile-ad business in four years