10 Secret Spots in America's Top National Parks

America's National Park Service runs more than 405 sites, including national seashores, recreation areas, historical sites, and national parks.


America's National Park Service runs more than 405 sites, including national seashores, recreation areas, historical sites, and national parks. Collectively, these sites receive about 70 million visitors a year -- with more than 10 million of them heading to just one national park in particular (Great Smoky Mountains).

Short of visiting in winter and hiking deep into the backcountry, the parks' popularity can make it tricky to find your own slice of solitude. Tricky, but not impossible. Here are 10 scenic spots you can have all to yourself inside the country's most-visited national parks.

Read the original story: 10 Secret Spots in America's Top National Parksby Kate Sitarz, who is a contributor to SmarterTravel.