What They Did Wrong: How 4 Women Wish Their Partners Had Proposed

Photo: Courtesy of CNP Montrose
Many women wouldn't change a thing when it comes to the ways their partners popped the question.

Many women wouldn't change a thing when it comes to the ways their partners popped the question. But these four women had a different view of how this important moment would go down than how it actually did. Here, they reveal what they'd change about their partners' proposals if they could.

"I wish he would have chosen a private location."

When Alicia's husband Jon popped the question, it was in front of the boarding school principal who employed him. The couple wanted to live together and had approached the principal for permission, but he replied he wouldn't keep on a housemaster who was living in sin and gave the couple 30 days to tie the knot. So Jon turned to Alicia and casually said, "why not?" Looking back on it now, Alicia says, "I would have preferred a more private setting and a more romantic pledge before he popped the question! I imagined him going down on bended knee in private place, a la a classic 1950's Hollywood movie."