Microsoft adds QR codes to tell users why their system crashed

The Blue Screen of Death has never been so informative.

Microsoft announced that it will begin implementing QR codes on its error screens to better explain to users why their systems have crashed. Apparently the frowny emojiwasn't fully conveying the information that users required. So rather than spitting out a code like "BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO" or "KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR" the dreaded Blue Screen of Deathwill instead display a scannable code that links to an explainer page. Presumably, the user would use a secondary mobile device to scan that code and receive more streamlined support from customer service.

The system hasn't gone live yet, which could explain the current, generic QR landing page. Hopefully Microsoft will tailor those landing pages to the specific stop code that the user is seeing before rolling it out to all users.