Edward Snowden has too much free time, starts making music

"If you don't stand up for it, then who will?"
When you almost-singlehandedly expose a vast, secretive spying network, you've every right to a little swagger.

When you almost-singlehandedly expose a vast, secretive spying network, you've every right to a little swagger. And Edward Snowden has frequently displayed that during his slow transition from whistleblower to privacy advocate. But there comes a time in every digital activist's life where they must choose a path: you either become a credible voice for good, or you become.. a voice. Presenting the new collaboration between electronic music legend Jean-Michel Jarre and Edward Snowden: "Exit."

Largely a pretty interesting piece of electronica, "Exit" takes a break from proceedings to allow Snowden to eulogize the need for privacy. Here are some choice quotes:

"Technology can actually increase privacy."

"Saying that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different to saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say. It's a deeply anti-social principle, because rights are not just individual, they're collective."

"What may not have value to you today, may have value to an entire population, an entire people, or an entire way of life tomorrow. And if you don't stand up for it, then who will?"

Rock on. With this rousing call to action, Snowden feels like he's at the point where he'll either become another Jimmy Wales or another Julian Assange. By that I mean he'll be another generally respected voice that puts his name to some so-so projects. Or he'll be like Julian Assange.

The track is available now to stream and purchase digitally, and it'll also get a vinyl release next month. In a Guardian video discussing the track (embedded below) Snowden says "music is the thing that can humanize even the most abstract moment." We're expecting his guide to self-actualization through meditation any day now.