Will Microsoft Release the First-Ever Facebook Phone?

It was recently reported that social networking leader Facebook is considering having their own smartphone developed, quite obviously one to focus on the full functionality of the networking site itself.

Now we have got word that Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Facebook may possibly team up, with Windows Phone being the potential operating system to power the Facebook phone if and when released.

“The Facebook Phone, powered by Windows” – that’s an example of a slogan both companies may use if they choose to strategically align themselves to produce such a device. While information on these talks is a bit sketchy, there have been some interesting observations made regarding Microsoft’s battle plan for the Facebook phone.

Anonymous sources claim Microsoft is positioning Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) as the “bad guy” in negotiations with Facebook, a direct rival that Mark Zuckerberg’s company should not even think of aligning with. Also, Microsoft may be taking advantage of its smooth business relations with Nokia (NASDAQ:NOK) and several other cell phone manufacturers and wireless carriers.

This should give Facebook a wide range of choices once the device finally is cleared for production.

Sounds like a plan for the pride of Redmond, WA, if you ask us. Microsoft has long struggled to keep pace with iOS and Android in the operating systems war, and if their series of chess-like moves and strategies pays off, this may have them gaining some ground behind the two-headed OS monster.

It may also help Microsoft increase its online presence, if the agreement with Facebook is to be consummated.