Teens of today are shocked at how dated Windows 95 is today

It seems like ages ago when Windows 95 was all the rage among computer users all over the world.

It seems like ages ago when Windows 95 was all the rage among computer users all over the world. Once cutting-edge and innovative, the platform is now a dinosaur among operating systems. And, for younger people, it seems so hard to believe that Windows 95 was once the be-all and end-all of desktop platforms, coming with all the bells and whistles for consumers of the time, but severely lacking in features by modern standards.

That was proven in a recent Teens React videofrom Fine Brothers, where the YouTube stars asked several teenagers aged 16 to 19, including Diary of a Wimpy Kid star Karan Brar as a celebrity guest, to share their reactions to an archaic Dell computer running on Windows 95. As expected, these teens born after the platform’s debut are astounded at how slow it takes to load up, and are especially shocked that Windows 95 doesn’t support Wi-Fi; as it was in the times, you had to connect to the Internet via a modem connected to your phone, or through a service such as AOL. For today’s teenagers, it’s impossible to fathom that that was how people connected to the Net back in the mid-‘90s.

Aside from the expected reactions of Windows 95 being “prehistoric” and taking so long to boot up that one would have to go on a snack break while it’s loading, there were some especially witty quips about the desktop PC used in the video. A 16-year-old named Alicia commented that the Dell computer looks like something from an old library, while 17-year-old Seth said that he was looking at “a Dell,” as in the PC brand, and not “Adele,” as in the pop singer. Another teenager described AOL’s icon as being akin to the “Illuminati symbol.”

Additionally, the teens expressed amazement at how unwieldy it was to install Windows 95 back in the day. While Windows 95 did sell seven million copies in its first five weeks following its summer 1995 release, it took a whopping 13 floppy disks to install.